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Monday, January 31, 2011

The 100th Day of School!

We are 100 days smarter! This year is flying by so fast, it feels like I have blinked and it is more than halfway gone. Today we celebrated the 100th day of school. The babies were so excited all day long! We had so many activities to do. We started the day with a connect-the-dots 1 -100 page. I have never done dot-to-dot with them, and they did exceptionally well, especially for one so massive! The next activity we did was to take a vote on which was heavier on the balance scale, 100 spoonfuls of dry rice or 100 spoonfuls of water. The rice won, and 14 of 17 babies chose correctly! The rest of our activities are shown in pictures:

We shared our collections of 100 things...

We made a new collection of 100 stickers...

Our snack was a mix-up bag of 100 things, made by Mrs. her house! (They were so excited to have food from my house...go figure)...

We built a house of 100 bricks...on paper, that is...

And finally, the culmination of our day...we released 100 balloons into the wind!!!

They loved the release of the balloons! Their squeals and faces as the balloons went higher and higher were priceless. Definitely a favorite activity!


BookChook said...

Those babies are so lucky to have you! Counting out 100 snacky things must have taken some time. I love this way of celebrating 100 days of school. It's not something I think we do in Australia, but what a great idea for a math focus - and a whole bunch of fun!

Welcome to we teach!

The Knight Life said...

Well, I won't lie, I ate some of the snacky things as I counted them out! It was time consuming, as is all of the preparation that goes into making the 100th day a success, but it really is a lot of fun. Thank you for your comment and for following!

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